If you were told to describe this classical elegant villa in less than 5 words, how would you do it? Some would probably say, it’s imposing yet captivating; others, it’s wealthy and even regal, and others, tastefully ornamented. It is one of those ‘beyond-your-wildest-imagination’ kinds of architectural designs in Qatar.

A lot of architectural and engineering processes went into designing this magnificent piece of functional modernity.
This private villa comes recommended if you are into luxurious villacations or you would simply love to own one for a home.
As you approach, it is evident the inside is not just the basic 4-walled boxed rooms, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet. Let’s have a look at its spectacular exterior design.

This magnificent villa exhibits an aura of privacy deemed fit to call it luxurious. So it has to be located in the plushest of locations. Let’s admit. Constructing an elegant villa such as this in a shabby location would definitely be a knock-off.
A look at its wonderful exterior condition explains the keen maintenance it’s accorded. No cracked walls; no dried up vegetation; just polished stone and an overall well-thought landscape architecture.
The over-sized compound is enough to accommodate your vehicles, depending on the number you have. The ornamental exterior decor brings out the culture characteristic of modern middle-east architecture.
As it’s demanded of any luxury Villa, this will cater to your need for excellent vistas, given the precise vantage points it has. So you will be happy if you are into standing at the balconies to chase sunsets.
What’s more?
The rooftop to host all your parties. If you want this for a home, you are going to want your loved ones around you too, trust that.
What is luxury to you? Is it comfort? A fascinating ambiance? Or an unforgettable experience? When designing this luxury house, Architect Abdulrahman Dieb figured out; it’s the small things that will make your stay worthwhile.
Check out more amazing pictures of this Luxury Villa here. You can also follow the architect, ABDULRAHMAN DIEB for more monolithic inspirations..
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