Washbasin swimming pool by Anil Saxena
Hi, folks,
How are you all doing as we stay sheltered-in at home because of COVID-19? Gosh, it is not easy missing out on all the fun stuff like going to the beach or taking a dive in a pool. I’m certain that many of us also misses the nightlife, the clubs, and all the dancing. Well, COVID-19 or not, we just have to find ways to do some fun stuff.
In my last article, when your kids turn into aliens: tips for parents, I talked about how parents should act when their kids get to the rebellious age. Well, in this piece, we will be looking at some fun ways to escape the boredom of being sheltered-in at home all day. So, we will be looking at who to swim at home during COVID19.
There is this great idea, water pool on Behance, that I saw and would like to share with you here on ClassyFor.com. Do you know that you can create a water pool at home and splash around in glee without a care about the CoronaVirus? Imagine the thrill of swimming at home during COVID19.
Sounds impossible, right? Well, there are ways that we can create water pools right inside our home! Yeah, your bathroom is a water pool in the making, even your sink and washbasin! With these, you can happily swim at home while CoronaVirus rages outside.
Yeah, I know what’s going through your mind. You are thinking, this guy is crazy, what in the hell is he talking about? Call me crazy, I agree with you that I’m a nutcase. It won’t be the first time someone called me that. LOL
Hey, you. Yes, you. Come on, I’m referring to you huddled over your computer and reading this. Yes, you, so stop looking over your shoulder as if I’m referring to someone else. Okay, now that I have got your attention, are you ready to join me in embarking on a crazy experiment? Haa, don’t tell me you are gutless, we could do this and have some fun, you know?
Okay, here is the crazy idea. Go to your bathroom right now and turn on the faucet in your bath-tub. Allow the cold water to gush into the tub till it is filled to the brim. Now, you don’t need me to tell you that you should engage the stopper in the drain so that the water would stay in.
Good. Now your bathtub is filled, so call your family members, and you all should change into your swimming trunks and bikinis. Bravo! You have a water pool, so what are you still waiting for? Or, you want me to tell you to jump in? Of course, you must take that leap of faith into the water pool, so go right ahead, don’t wait for me, I’m not your family member, I’ll just stay here and read your testimony concerning my idea on swimming at home during COVID19.

Anil Saxena’s depiction of the home water pool
If you don’t have a bathtub, don’t worry about it, okay? There are other great ways to have a water pool at home. I’m sure you have a sink or washbasin somewhere in your house. You do, right? Awesome. Just fill it up and put your face into it. Now that you have tried it, what do you think? Doesn’t it feel like swimming?
Hey, you all need to thank me for these amazing ideas on how to have a water pool at home during COVID19. But, on a serious note, just imagine that we were tiny beings like the Lilliputians in Gulliver Travels. Wow! It would have been awesome because our washbasins and sinks would have been Olympic-size water pools for us to dive in. We would all be swimming at home in glee without a single care about CoronaVirus.
Anyways, unfortunately, we are not Lilliputians, but we can still act as if we are by converting our bathtubs to makeshift water pools. Just close your eyes and imagine you and your partner seeping champagne while splashing your legs in a bathtub filled with water. This is one sure way to swim at home during COVID19.
Another way to have a water pool moment at home is to fill a movable tub with water and place it either in the sitting room or anywhere at home that is comfortable for you. Once you have it set up, get a bottle of wine or champagne, or even a bottle of juice, sit in it with your loved one, and enjoy the moment.
Okay, you all can thank me later for these great ideas, but in the main time, stay safe and stay home. See you all in my next post. Cheers, and not forget to come to ClassyFor.com for your everyday tips.

Images by Anil Saxena
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