Watch this little fur-baby fall asleep right in their owner’s hands! Goals, to sleep like this upper right here!
Keep in touch with sweet chihuahua’s lavish lifestyle by following louthechichi on Instagram
Just like humans dogs also need to get enough sleep for them to be able to stay happy and healthy. Sleeping is important for dogs because this is how they regain and maintain their energy levels. It also helps them keep a balanced lifestyle. Now, it may seem that your dogs do not get enough sleep. After all, most dogs wait till you are asleep and are up before you are. So when do they find the time to rest up? Understanding dogs and sleep will lessen your worry about them not getting enough rest. So long as your dog is doing these things you can keep track of how to make sure your dog is sleeping well.

Take Note Of Sleeping Disorders
The first thing you need to note when it comes to understanding dogs and sleep is that some dogs may experience sleeping disorders. One way to tell if your dog has a sleep disorder is if they are active during sleep. This means they are constantly moving around or “chasing squirrels”. This is a sign that they may have REM Behavior Disorder. This sleeping disorder causes dogs to become aggressive while sleeping. They may even run into walls or start attacking inanimate objects. Another thing to look out for is loud snoring. This may be a sign of sleep apnea. This is especially dangerous if you notice that they are gasping for air between breaths. If you see any of these signs in your dog, you will want to bring them to the vet right away. Addressing these things will give your dog a good night’s sleep.

How To Help Your Dog Sleep
One way to make sure your precious dog is getting enough sleep is to help them sleep. Most dogs instinctively know when it is time for a nap, but sometimes this is not the case. A method used on how to make sure your dog is sleeping well is to pay attention to their activity levels. Low levels of energy may indicate they are not getting enough sleep. In this case, you should start supporting overall healthy habits for your dog. A healthy dog with enough exercise and the right diet will always find time to get the rest they need. Helping your dog sleep better is directly linked to their overall lifestyle. Keeping them in good shape will help your dog sleep better when they need it.

Know Your Pooch
Understanding dogs and sleep also means knowing more about their breed. Smaller and younger dogs tend to sleep less than larger or older dogs. Dogs need more sleep than humans. On average they usually take a sleep 12 to 15 hours a day. This is normal so long as they maintain their energy levels when awake. Sleeping is important for dogs as much as it is for you. This is how they regenerate their strength and keep a healthy lifestyle. Knowing your dog’s sleeping patterns and behaviors will also help you spot if something is wrong. So always make sure to keep an eye out for them.

These ways on how to make sure your dog is sleeping well will also help you understand if your dog needs medical attention. As mentioned above, you should always watch out for sleeping disorders that could cause them harm. The best way in helping your dog sleep better is to make sure they live a healthy lifestyle. This means getting enough daily activity and having the right diet. All in all, dogs can manage on their own when it comes to sleep, so you will not have to worry so much about them not getting enough.
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