From regency to use to private study in the home, writing desks have been a staple in homes for a very, very long time. And these classy writing desks are great options for their utility and also a massive decoration in your luxury office or private home study.
This elegant writing desk collection from moissonnier is a thing made for royalty and also function. The lacquered drawers are leather-lined and has a range of brass decoration. The wooden top is used for writing and also secondary storage of things like stationery, small picture frame, and files or books. There is also a retractable side surface for extra storage.
If you’re exploring the option of getting a classy writing desk like this, you must understand a few things
Factors to consider in a writing desk
Size: Size, before everything else, should come first when deciding on getting your luxury writing desk. No matter how elegant or exotic the table is, if it is too big or too small, it immediately loses most of the appeal and function it brings to space. You must always relate the size of your elegant writing desk with the entire dimension of your bedroom or study.
Style: After size, another significant factor is style. If you want your study to feel like royalty, a classy writing desk like the one featured in this article is definitely one to go for. Made from the best quality of wood and real valuable metals for decoration, it is the most exotic item your space can possess.
Storage: A beautiful writing table can surely catch the eye but without storage space, it has no function. It is merely like a figurehead. Glamorous alright, but no utility whatsoever.
This elegant writing desk from Moissonnier combines all the three factors above to make it a perfect luxury furniture for your space.

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