The scientific name of avocado is Persea American. The origin of the avocado plant has been grouped as one of the flowering categories is South Central Mexico. Globally, Mexico is the leading country that cultivates this type of plant. The states in the USA that grow avocados are California and Florida. The plant tree has a fruit that has one big seed at the centre. The fruit is majorly green in colour takes the shape of an egg. The climate that is conducive for the avocado trees is mainly tropical and Mediterranean that provide high humid conditions favourable for self-pollination. This plant is cultivated commercially in most areas in the world that offer favourable conditions. For consistent harvest, the plant is in most cases generated through implantation purposely to keep quality on top. Cultivation of this type of plant faces challenges more especially diseases. The avocados are endangered by bacterial, fungal and viral. The effect can cause the whole plant to produce nothing for some time if the avocado plant infections persist.
Other Benefits of the avocado
Many people mainly know avocados as a fruit that is consumed with other meals or used alone. But the fact is, the fruit has a lot more amazing benefits as far as cosmetics are concerned. The following are the significant beauty benefits of the avocados.
Softens and smoothens the skin: the fruit contains Vitamin E, fatty acids and oleic acid that are beneficial for making the skin smooth and soft. It can be used either way, by eating or applying it on the surface. Before one takes a shower, the application of the ripe avocado to the skin is essential as this produces good results.
Conditions Hair: avocado contains necessary nutrients that are key to make hair soft and shiny, needless to say, it is a natural hair conditioner. You may eat frequently but in a nutritious way or can be applied on the hair.
Restores dry destroyed hair: damaged hair is a result of the application of a lot of heat at the salons or people who are in places that experience a lot of heat from the sun. The most preferred natural remedy is the application of ripe avocado. It provides moisture that provides a cover to the hair hence, preventing it from drying out. The fruit contains nutrients that can heal the destroyed cells. The hair regains and becomes healthier.
Treatment of the nails: application of avocado to finger-nails that are feeble and dry, makes them stronger and moisturised. It also helps to treat cuticles that are loosely attached or are easily peeled off. Always apply ripe avocado to nails and cuticles for a minimum of 10 minutes then wash with water. Apply shea-butter to moisturise them.
Enhances and fosters Hair growth: avocado fruit contains Vitamins A, E, and C that are essential to maintaining the hair longer and thicker. It can be a mixed egg sandwich to boost hair growth if not used alone.
Blisters skin cells: if one has flaky skin, the avocado will exfoliate it to an extent the results will be much pleasant to report. The application is usually combined with the oatmeal to give the best combination.

Reduces Wrinkles: the contents of avocado which includes; amino acids, Vitamin E and fatty acids are the best medicine to remove wrinkles. They do this by fostering the manufacturing of collagen which is the central element that eliminates facial lines.
Helps in skin complexion: the avocado contents assists in the reduction hyperpigmentation appearance. Thus, maintaining and improving the completion of a person. Besides, it has antioxidant characteristics that support in the protection of the skin from dangerous ultraviolet rays. On the other hand, these collagen and antioxidants properties help to keep the skin elastic and healthy, thus making the person to appear younger for an extended period.
Elimination of scars fades and spots: the fruit assists to do away with these by using the contents in it such as fatty acids and Vitamin E. The process is very fast as the new tissues form as it prevents the formation of new scars or spots. These scars or marks can be a result of cuts or burns.
Bottom line
Flaunting fruits of this type are essential in any meal of the day. Therefore, it is very paramount for people to make it part of their regular diet. Apart from the many beauty benefits avocado has, it has numerous benefits too when it comes to the health point of view. Therefore, avocado being part of one’s diet, not only solves beauty challenges, at the same time, it deals with health challenges too. urn Ԍ��