Having puppies around will complete your family! Just make sure you can keep them all in one place!
Looking for more family and puppy interaction? Follow Irsnpais on Instagram to see how well puppies and family go together!
Every family deserves to have puppies around. Children adore spending hours and hours giving puppies love and attention. Having puppies are part of your family will truly make your world complete. Not only are you getting a loving companion, but you are also giving your children an anytime playmate. Finding the right dog for your family requires you to do some research into the different breeds. This is because different breeds interact differently in a family setting. You will want o make sure you get a friendly and intelligent dog, these are the best dogs to play with children. When it comes to choosing the right dog, make sure to keep these things in mind.

Keep In Mind The Size
When looking for family-friendly dogs, you will want to keep in mind the size of the dog that best suits you. This will depend on the space you have in your home. It will also depend on how playful your kids are. Smaller dogs may not take much space, but they are more delicate and prone to injury. If your kids love to rough-house with animals may be the best dogs to play with your children are medium-sized ones. Medium-sized dogs do not need as much space to move around as larger breeds and they are also more well built for play without you having to worry about injury. If you are blessed with a home that has ample space for a large dog then you can broaden your search. There are a number of larger breeds that are also considered to be family-friendly dogs.

Find Out Activity Levels
The next thing you will want to look into when choosing the right dog is their breeds activity level. Each breed requires a certain amount of activity daily to keep healthy. While on the other hand, other breeds need more rest. The general rule when looking for the best dogs to play with your children is to find a breed that can handle ample times of constant activity. Having the right amount of energy will keep your family puppy from experiencing anxiety. Anxiety could come up if they do not get enough playful attention or if they feel too tired. Usually, family-friendly dogs tend to have a lot of energy so you will not have to worry too much about them not getting enough exercise.

Look Into Trainability
Family-friendly dogs should be breeds that can easily be trained. Not all breeds are receptive to training. This means that some breeds absorb more at a faster rate than others. In the list of choosing the right dog, you will want one that can be trained easily to obey commands. Being able to train them easily will make your life easier. It will ensure the safety of both your children and the dog you decide to get. Commands like “sit” and “stay” may seem like small things, but it could go a long way in keep things civil between children and dogs.

Take the time to research the breeds you want and make sure they meet all the criteria to suit your family and lifestyle. Keep in mind not only the happiness you will be getting from finding the right dog for your family but also the happiness of the dog you plan on getting. Once you have the perfect puppet, you are defiantly going to enjoy some priceless and memorable moments.
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