If you are trying to set up your home, office space, or even outdoor recreation, you probably already know that a table is like the number one priority. There’s been no furniture as timeless as tables.
And as essential as they are in style, they also serve a vast range of utilities.
Coffee table
Installing a coffee table in the middle of a large living room will isolate it and defeat the entire purpose. They aren’t made for that. Rather, the coffee table is a small, low table that supports small objects, like books, magazines, etc., and also carry beverages and drinks. The furniture, due to its utility and style, is usually very minimalist in design compared to more elaborate centre tables in a home.
Center table
These are usually not as small as a coffee table but can range impressively in sizes. They are also the most versatile of all the types of tables. Besides being made from traditional wood material, center tables can be decorated with lavish designs and exotic sculpted arts and even embroidery.
They can be used in the living room, as a study table, regency table in the private luxury study, dining room, lobby, and entry halls, you name it.
Tea table
The tea table have the same carriage as the coffee table but with slightly different design. Most times (although, this is not a rule), tea tables will have one tripod stand/base to hold its round or rectangular surface. It is used to hold beverages and light flower vases in the bedroom or private living. Typically, the tea table isn’t built for as much utility as The coffee table. Finally, there are sturdy variations of the tea table that fit small outdoor recreation, mini dining, and island kitchen dinings.
Kitchen/Courtyard table
Traditional style with a sturdy design and an extended surface area, this furniture is excellent for kitchen use or dual-purpose. Generally, the extended length makes it comfortable for more than one person to work without obstructing the other. It’s like a kitchen worktop. But longer.
There are so many other types of tables with unique functions and designs, check them out here
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