Dogs are a great companion for anybody to have in their home, especially families with children. However, many people become sick when they breath in dust and dander from loose dog hair. This makes it much more difficult to enjoy the company of this cute and cuddly pet. Hypoallergenic dogs have become increasingly popular due to the fact that they do not shed. Here is a list of hypoallergenic dogs that are a great addition to any family.
Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small dog with a fluffy white coat that does not shed. This makes them visually attractive to many people, and eliminates the worry for people with allergies. Combined with this is their non-stop cheerful attitude, which makes them extremely appealing to people of all ages. Not only are Bichons highly adaptable to their environment and easy to train, they also love human interaction, especially cuddles! This makes them ideal for living in a home with small children. If you’re looking for a little dog to share tons of love and cozy times with, the Bichon Frise may be for you!

Originating in Germany, the Schnauzer come in three sizes; Giant, Standard and Miniature. All sizes are hypoallergenic and have a short, wiry coat with longer fur around their face. They are very intelligent and excellent watchdogs, with a strong urge to protect their loved ones. Their athleticism also makes them great for kids who have a lot of energy. You will not regret adding this beautiful breed to your family.

This is another breed with three sizes. The Poodle comes in Standard, Miniature and Toy. These dogs have a fluffy coat that does not shed and comes in a variety of solid colors. They are known to be one of the most intelligent dog breeds in the world. Originally bred as duck hunters, the purpose of their unique haircuts were to protect vital organs and joins while swimming in cold water. However, this style is mostly seen at dog shows in current day. Poodles are extremely playful and love attention from humans as well.
Chinese Crested

Despite its unique appearance and lack of fur, the Chinese Crested is a wonderful addition to your home. These dogs were originally bred as companions. Therefore, they love to lay around and will not go outside unless they are encouraged, making them the ultimate couch buddy. Their calmness and ability to bond quickly makes them great with kids, and their lack of fur is perfect for people with allergies. Overall, the Chinese crested is one of the most ideal dogs to keep in your home.
Yorkshire Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is said to be the most popular dog breed in America, and with good reason. This is a toy breed who does not typically exceed seven pounds. The Yorkie has won over the hearts of many with its devotion to humans and cute appearance. They are also more likely to get along with other animals, including cats! With their coat being more like human hair than animal fur, they are perfect to minimize allergies in the home. Join the craze and add a Yorkie to your family!
Everyone deserves the joyful feelings of owning a dog, regardless of their age or physical condition. We hope this list offers insight and encourages you to take that next step towards adding a new family member. Leave a comment and let us know what you think of these fabulous, furry friends!
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