
Types of cutlery used in fine dining

types of cutlery you will find at a fine dining restaurant

You must be reading this because you are wondering what types of cutlery  to expect at a high end restaurant.

Knowing how and when to use different types of cutlery is a useful dining skill to have for yourself. And, in front of your audience, you will appear pristine and charming if you handle your cutlery properly.

An ideal high end restaurant is replete with great ambiance and the right cutlery for diners who know what they want.

So here are the types of cutlery you should expect:


There are different types of knives for different tasks. Tasks like chopping, dicing, tearing, slicing or spreading require specific blades.

types of knives for fine dining experiences

A blade can be serrated, blunt, pointed, to mention a few. Check out these different types of knives:

Dinner knife

Steak knife

Luncheon knife

Fish knife

Dessert knife

Fruit knife

Butter knife


A spoon is for lifting food from the bowl or platter to your mouth.

Different types of spoons serve different purposes, like stirring, serving, eating soup and eating dessert or fruit. Types of spoons include:

Types of spoons and their different uses



Place soup

Soup spoon

Dessert spoon

Sundae spoon

Fruit spoon


The length and number of tines on a fork determines its use.

Forks are used for eating salad or spaghetti, holding and serving fish, eating crustaceans or eating dessert.

Types of knives in fine dining

The main fork in restaurants in the dinner fork and it’s used for the main course. Types of forks include:

Dinner fork

Salad fork

Long-tined fork

Dessert fork

Fish fork

Seafood fork

If you own a restaurant and are wondering how to choose cutlery, purchase cutlery based on what you serve. If you are a seafood restaurant, buy seafood cutlery. Also, buy durable cutlery.

By durable, we mean stainless-steel.

Besides ensuring your cutlery aligns with the theme of your restaurant, buy light cutlery for kids too.

Now that you know the different kinds of cutlery, please don’t ask the waiter or waitress what each cutlery is for as chances are you will have the standard fork, spoon and knife set. Well, unless maybe you get a steak  knife for buttering your bread.

Chances are the high end restaurant you will go to will know its stuff. So don’t be awkward. LOL

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