
What to Expect as a First Time Mum

Want to know what it’s like to be a first time mum? Is this your first time being pregnant? All of a sudden, you will belong to the public; you will experience kid-glove treatment, which you better savour to the maximum. You may sense a bit more respect accorded to you. Hey, pregnancy elevates your social status to new heights, so, yay you!

If it’s your first time to be pregnant, you will be met with not-so-flattering stares and so much unsolicited advice. Everyone means well when giving you pregnancy and motherhood advice. What they may not tell you is what to expect as a first time mum. Here is what you should know:

You may not have an immediate emotional connection with your baby

Every mother goes through this, so don’t feel guilty if you feel nothing once you have your newborn in your arms. After 9 months of all that heaviness; the labour pains; stitches and drainage, you will be too emotionally and physically tired by the time the midwife hands your baby to you. 

So, don’t be sad if you aren’t awash with feelings of love for your newborn. The feelings catch up eventually.

Breastfeeding may be hard for you

Think breastfeeding is as simple as just putting a nipple in your baby’s mouth? That’s cute of you. But breastfeeding is a billion-dollar industry for a reason. 

Take it for free: Invest in a good lactation consultant. 

Breastfeeding is an art and a science. You will need good nursing bras, nipple creams and an expressing pump. Ask your lactation consultant all these things.

Sleep when the baby sleeps will not apply to you

When you get home from hospital, you will be super sleep deprived, especially if you get a colicky baby. Expect to wake up 20 times in one night to nurse and burp your baby as you change diapers. 

With sleep deprivation, you are expected to sleep when the baby sleeps. Let’s just say: sleep when the baby sleeps is not a thing. As the baby sleeps you may find yourself scrolling down your Facebook feed or preparing the next meal for yourself or just catering to other distractions. 

If your partner judges you for not sleeping when the baby sleeps, don’t feel bad. Most mothers experience the same.

Your partner may feel like a stranger to you and vice versa

Since you will be extremely tired, extreme irritability will be part of you as well. And guess who may be on the receiving end of it all? Your partner. 

He may try his best to support you but it will still not be enough for you. You will get irritated when all the baby cries for is you and not him. 

You will know it’s a man’s world when you’ll be stuck in the house breastfeeding his baby, as your man is out there interacting with other people. 

When the baby comes, remember, men go through postpartum issues as well, so try and be understanding of him too. 

Do you know what first time parents should know? Let’s hear in the comments section. 

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