Looking for breastfeeding tips to help you hack the 4th trimester as a first time mum? Well, read on.
Breastfeeding is a delicate issue that only a mother can make decisions on. The decision to breastfeed or not solely lies on the mother and nobody else. If you are determined to breastfeed despite the breastfeeding challenges you are about to face as a new mum, then good for you.
Here are breastfeeding tips many lactation consultants swear by:
Breastfeed within the first hour of delivery
Lactation consultants and doctors advise it’s important to breastfeed your baby right after delivery. This is to help the baby develop a breastfeeding reflux which he will bank on throughout his breastfeeding journey. Also, breastfeeding within the hour ensures the baby gets colostrum, a yellow substance packed with antibodies to boost your baby’s immune system.
Ensure your baby gets a correct latch
A breastfeeding latch is how a baby fastens onto the breast with his mouth while breastfeeding. You should ensure the areola and the nipple is inside the baby’s mouth. Many new mums make a mistake of just giving the nipple to the baby, which can lead to a painful breastfeeding experience Trust, sore or cracked nipples during breastfeeding hurt like hell. Ask your lactation consultant to teach you how to latch a baby correctly.

Eat healthy foods
Breastfeeding basically means your baby gets to eat whatever you eat, but through lactation. You should strive to eat a balanced diet throughout your breastfeeding journey for the sake of your baby (and you). Also, if you are worried about milk supply, ask your lactation consultant to give you a list of lactogenic foods you can eat to boost milk production.
Avoid stress as much as possible
Stress during breastfeeding reduces milk supply, so try and relax while at it. Yes, this includes telling people to leave the room as you nurse your baby. If you are a first time mum, having people in your room as you breastfeed can cause anxiety. Also, if there are life’s issues weighing you down, try being in the moment with your baby.
Express breast milk
If you are wondering how to prevent painful breast engorgement, pumping milk is the way to go. You can express using your hands but the more efficient way is using either a manual or electric pump. When to pump milk shouldn’t be a problem. Simply pump when the baby sleeps through his feeding hours or when you are away from the baby.
Don’t let the baby sleep through feeding hours
Ideally, you should breastfeed your baby every 2-3 hours. But sometimes, s/he may end us sleeping through his feeding hours. When this happens, you can wake them up by tapping your nipple on their lip to trigger him to open his mouth. If he doesn’t wake up, then pump the milk to prevent engorgement.

To wrap up
Breastfeeding is hard but you will see it’s worth in the end. Don’t let fear of getting judged keep you from asking for help.
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