Hello, readers,
In my previous post here on ClassyFor.com, we talked about the art of light and how it can beautify our living space. Well, in this piece, we will be looking into parenting. Hmm, parenting is fun, but it isn’t an easy job. Parents here will understand what I’m saying. Before we go further on this discussion, please watch the video above. The second part of the video is at the end of this post.
Look, folks, kids can sometimes be a handful, or like my friend would say, a bad bunch of trouble. Haha… I always laugh hard whenever he says this. This is a father that adores his kids yet he still refers to them – in a loving way of course – as little aliens.
The friend I’m talking about, Johnson, is a fun-loving kind of guy with an amiable personality. I can remember how happy he was when his wife gave birth to their first child, an adorable tiny angel of a girl. Of course, later, he had to confront the challenges of taking care of an infant. It wasn’t easy, but Johnson did fairly well.
Then their second child came, a feisty little boy that was filled with too much energy for his age and tiny frame. Still, Johnson handled the responsibility of taking care of another baby pretty well again.
He also enjoyed the rare and memorable pleasure of having two kids running around, very eager to do his little biddings. Johnson has a mini sit-out spot beside the pool behind his house where the guys all sit, whenever we visit, to have a drink, smoke our cigarettes, and chat as guys.
Many times, Johnson would come to meet us at the poolside with the TV remote for the set in the sitting room, and then he would later forget it there. Whenever this happens, his kids where the ready remote control to change the channel for him and the wife. It was fun, and he used to laugh hard narrating the stories to me.
Then, one day, Johnson calls me, sounding a little worried and agitated. “Guy, I have lost my charm with my kids,” He says immediately I picked up.
“What happened, bro?” I asked him.
“You know I’m always forgetting my TV remote at the poolside behind my house.”
“Yes, I know that, “ I said. “But, that’s not a big deal because your kids are willing remote controls to change the channel while you and your wife relax on the sofa.”
“Ha, that’s the problem, dude. The kids ain’t doing it anymore,” He whined. “Shirley started it, and now Junior has joined her.”
I started laughing.
“Guy, this is serious, you know, why are you laughing?”
Fighting to control my laughter, I said, “They asked you to go change the channel yourself or go get the remote, right?”
“Yeah, right, how did you know this?” He asked me.
I ignored his silly question. Of course, I had my kids too, he should know that. “Their excuse is that they are on the phone with their friend, right?”
“Yeah, are you a magician? How did you know their response?”
“Don’t be a fool, my friend, I’m also a father,” I said, laughing. “My kids do the same thing too.”
“Really? What do we do now, guy, I did enjoy their doing little errands for me,” He said dolefully.
“Yeah, I missed that too,” I replied with a touch of sadness. “But, bro, that ship has sailed. The kids won’t do it for you again, not gleefully, anyway.”
“So, what do we do?”

Well, that is the question many parents ask when their adorable little angel(s) becomes a stranger or an alien right under their nose without them, as parents, having done anything wrong to warrant the change in attitude.
I’m sure that many parents reading this can relate to this story and are asking themselves, what do we do? Well, the sad, painful, but wholesome truth is, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Once your kids become teens, their attitude will change.
They will become slightly rebellious and will want to pick a fight over every little thing. You won’t understand them, and they won’t seem to understand you either. They will become strangers to you and you will seem like their number one enemy.
It is a frustrating moment to be a parent, but, all hope is not lost. Your kids are still the adorable children you knew though they are no longer babies. You need to understand that this is a passing phase in their development to adulthood.
It is at this point that many parents lose it and become estranged from their kids. This shouldn’t be the case, but unfortunately, this is the reality. The best approach as a parent to navigate through this murky period of parenting is to be understanding with your kids. Even when you do not understand the reason for their minor rebellions, just act as if you do, and force yourself to understand.
Truth be told, it is tiring, and sometimes you will feel like lashing out. Well, if you lash out, you will just be reinforcing their notion that you are not their friend, and that you are just a parent all out to frustrate their existence. Lol…
Dear parents, comfort yourself with the knowledge that you probably did the same to your parents as a teen, and your parents took it and endured your antagonism until you grew out of it. Now, it is your turn to be at the receiving end, so receive it as a parent and enjoy it also the way you enjoyed the period when you could do no wrong in your kids’ eyes.
For parents who have teens that are undergoing this phase and forced to constantly be in the same space with them because of the lockdown, hahaha… I sure do not envy you guys. You just have to constantly endure their subs with a smiling face. Lol
Don’t worry, soon, they will grow out of it and will become your best friend again.
Hey, if you have stories about parenting, or you want to share your experience concerning this topic, please do write in via the comment section or send your story to the editor for review through the submit button. After review, your story might just be published on the main page of ClassyFor.com.
Take care, friends, until my next post.
Please, as always, stay safe and stay home. Now, watch the second part of the video. Lol

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